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5th grade Writing Sample : The Mystery of the Golden Key

Write an essay  based on the following prompt -Imagine one day you were outside and came across a vine-covered stone wall. In the middle of […]

457 total views, 0 today


5th grade Writing Sample : A Surprise Visit from a Famous Scientist

Write an essay based on the following prompt -Imagine a helicopter with a famous person on board landed near your school. The person was coming […]

452 total views, 1 today


5th grade Writing Sample : The Extraordinary Ride in the Talking and Flying...

Write an essay  based on the following prompt -Imagine your friend has a car that talks and flies. The car can do other amazing things […]

461 total views, 1 today


5th grade Writing Sample : The Unexpected Spaceship Adventure

Write an essay  based on the following prompt -Imagine you and a friend found a spaceship. The door opened and you looked inside. Write about […]

456 total views, 2 today


5th grade Writing Sample : A Surprise Birthday Adventure

Write an essay  based on the following prompt -Think of a time when someone did something special for you. Perhaps the person sent a card, […]

457 total views, 3 today


5th grade Writing Sample : The Adventures of SuperSight

Write an essay  based on the following prompt -Imagine yourself as a superhero. You might be able to see through walls, fly, or swim like […]

451 total views, 1 today


5th grade Writing Sample : Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking

Write an essay based on the following prompt -Think about a time when you were brave. Perhaps you had to speak in front of the […]

482 total views, 3 today


5th grade Writing Sample : The Talking Fish

Write an essay  based on the following prompt -Imagine a fish popped its head out of the water and said something. What would you do? […]

398 total views, 1 today


5th grade Writing Sample : A Day in the Life of a Dolphin

Write an essay based on the following prompt -Imagine you are any animal you want to be for a day. Write to tell where you […]

407 total views, 1 today


5th grade Writing Sample : The Science Fair Showdown

Write an essay based on the following prompt -Think about a time you practiced or prepared for an important event. Write about what happened. Be […]

392 total views, 1 today

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